Virginia Business: InterChange Cold Storage Creating Jobs

Virginia Business: InterChange Cold Storage Creating Jobs

InterChange Cold Storage, our state of the art refrigerated facility currently in progress, was mentioned in a Virginia Business article that discussed how the Port of Virginia is driving major economic development in the Shenandoah Valley and the surrounding areas....
InterChange Featured on WHSV Jobs Showcase

InterChange Featured on WHSV Jobs Showcase

InterChange warehouse supervisor Mike Nesselrodt was recently interviewed by Harrisonburg ABC affiliate station WHSV about his experience working for the company and the growing need for warehouse workers as our company continues to grow in the Shenandoah Valley and...
InterChange Cold Storage in Virginia Maritime Bulletin

InterChange Cold Storage in Virginia Maritime Bulletin

The coming InterChange Cold Storage facility was announced in the Virginia Maritime Associations’s August bulletin. The Virginia Maritime Bulletin is a monthly publication specializing in business relating to the Port of Virginia and distributed to Association...